RSS Feed
Why will minute 39 change your life? Listen to the first 38 minutes to find out!
- Paul’s Internet Pet Peeve
- Paul’s Wallet Situation
- Movie News: Tron 3 Cancelled, LXG Reboot
- Providence #1
- More Movie: Suicide Squad Leaks, Justice League Documentary
- Convergence #8
- Convergence: Shazam #2
- DC Ads
- DC Sneak Peeks: We Are Robin, Flash, Earth 2: Society, Superman/Wonder Woman, Superman, Sinestro, Justice League United, Cyborg, Justice League, Harley Quinn, Black Canary, Constantine Batman, Batgirl
- Infinity Gauntlet #1
- Where Monsters Dwell #1
- X-Men ’92 Infinity Comic #1
- Sons of the Devil #1
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