Story Robert Venditti
Pencils Rafa Sandoval
Inks Jordi Tarragona
Colors Ulises Arreola
Letters Dave Sharp
Published by Valiant Comics
Commander Thrill of the Vine is setting thing in place to start his war on Earth. The Vine half breeds have infiltrated G.A.T.E and several other government agencies. A Vine half bred assassin who looks human manages to kill the Priest of the peaceful Vine citizens . This could be the act that starts the war between Earth and the Vine . X-O is in a bad situation he has vowed to be Earths protector and also sworn to defend the Vine. The is was part three to the Exodus storyline. This book never falls short it keeps getting better and better.
Final Score
Story 5 out of 5
Art 5 out of 5
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