luke-2009There are those who believed it’d be a cold day in Hell before Luke Meyer returned to another Fear the Boot event.  You may have noticed, there’s been a lot of snow this winter…

Heard on Twitter yesterday, Luke Meyer, formerly of Fear the Boot and currently of The Podge Cast, announced that he would indeed be accepting the invitation from FtB’s moderating host Dan Repperger to attend Fear the Con 3.

He stated: “”Excited to report I will be attending Fear the Con 3. Woot!”

When asked about his plans for the event, “I’ll be running copious amount of Iron Tyrants.”

Iron Tyrants is the miniature wargame Meyer is developing with frequent collaborator A. David Pinilla.

Luke was instrumental to the coordination and success of the first Fear the Con.  A beloved figure in the RPG podcast community, Luke’s presence at FtC3 is eagerly anticipated.

Almost as much as his next Wizard Sleeve column.