The cover to Flash: Rebirth #3
The cover to Flash: Rebirth #3

DCU’s The Source Blog (the only place on the net worth going that’s not IoM) had some awesome news and preview art this week!

First up is the news that the sadly mediocre (they say it’s intentional so far…suuuuurrreee) Flash: Rebirth series is now going to run at six issues instead of five, ending instead in September instead of August.  Let’s hope the series picks up – so far it really hasn’t been so hot, but it’s got some great ideas.  Although Aron has a feeling that, before the end of the series, it might tie in to Blackest Night somehow.  He’s probably wrong (it is Aron, you know), but it would be pretty cool!

So what else was announced and/or released this week?

How about DC’s newest crossover, Battle for the Cow????

Check after the jump for that and the rest of the goodies!

Click any of the images to see them full sized!

Battle for the Cow!
Battle for the Cow!


From the upcoming Wednesday Comics, DC also provided a sneak peak at the Green Lantern story by writer Kurt Busiek and artist Joe Quinones.  I’m SUPER impressed with this, and can’t wait to see how the final version looks.  I’m a little surprised they went with a $3.99 price tag for the book, but I guess that’s about the price of a Sunday paper, isn’t it?  And all we really read is the funnies anyway.

Art from Wednesday Comics' Green Lantern
Art from Wednesday Comics' Green Lantern

I don’t know what happened exactly because I thought Ed Benes was going to be Judd Winick’s regular artist on Batman post-Battle for the Cowl, but apparently Mark Bagley is taking over after a done-in-one issue by Benes.  No word yet on who’s taking over after Bagley, but his stuff sure is great.  I think the last time he drew Batman was in that spiffy Spider-Man/Batman crossover, where Batman fought Carnage and Spidey fought the joker.  The Source had some preview art from Bagley’s run.  Here’s just one of the three pieces.

Batman #688, page 3
Batman #688, page 3

Finally, some more Batman goodness…or should I say Batwoman?  I adore JH Williams’ art, especially his recent run on Batman with Grant Morrison (the one storyline that made sense to me!).  Still, his Batwoman stuff appears to blow that stuff out of the water.  This is amazing!

Art from Detective Comics, by JH Williams
Art from Detective Comics, by JH Williams

Looks like DC has a lot of stuff coming up to keep us fans happy in the coming months!