Funnybooks with Aron and Paulie: Darkseid Reborn!

In this week’s Funnybooks….midget wrestling! Christmas gifts! King Kong on Broadway! Also…. Movie/TV News Marvel Comics News: Guardians of the Galaxy Cancelled, Dan Slott’s run ending… Hawkman: Found #1 Doomsday Clock #2 Detective Comics #971 Wonder Woman #37 Next week is our EIGHTH annual Funnybooks awards! Leave us a comment down below, on Twitter, Instagram, […]

Funnybooks with Aron and Paulie: A Teenth of Tungsten!

Jurassic Park 4 Sin City casting Joseph Gordon Levitt and Josh Brolin Star Wars TV show New Batman Books Detective Comics #16 Superior Spider-Man #1 Scarlet Spider #13 Star Wars #1 Avengers Arena #3 Artifacts #24 Reighnsborough Sick Day is coming… Give us a call at 972-763-5903 and leave us your thoughts. If we use […]

Funnybooks with Aron and Paulie: Another Wet Garth Ennis Dream!

Paul had a dream Tim’s 30 second Catch-Up for the month Star Trek: Into Darkness Teaser Man of Steel poster and trailer Jim Zub and Indy Comics Amazing Spider-Man #699 Avengers #1 Thunderbolts #1 Hawkeye #5 Detective Comics #15 Before Watchmen: Minutemen #5 Invincible #98 Plus, Geeky Xmas Gift Ideas! Marvel Comics: The Untold Story […]

Funnybooks with Aron and Paulie: Sh!t My Kirk Says!

Sh!t My Kirk Says Tim Sees the Toy Hunter Paul Accosts Twitter Follower The return of DC Nation! New Arrow TV Series (+ digital comic) Detective Comics #13 Avengers Vs. X-Men #12 Amazing Spider-Man #695 Daredevil: End of Days #1 Danger Club #4 Support Sausage Fest! Because nobody likes cancer and everyone loves boobies, hooters, […]