chainmail bikini
The best chainmail bikini at the con.

In addition to playing games, buying stuff, and hanging out with friends, seeing all the cool people and things is just as much a part of the experience as the rest of it. People in costume are always fun.  All the games are cool.  Just seeing the crowd of people sharing your interest is awesome.  Gen Con did not lack in awesome.

I have provided for you a few images of what I thought was pretty cool about Gen Con 2009.

hal mangold
Atomic Overmind's Hal Mangold points out Monster Island on The Day After Ragnarok world map.
cool guy
I don't know what the costume is, but damn it's awfully cool!
These guys *said* they weren't up to any mischief. Still... I wonder.
I am totally doing my hair this way. Or would. I really don't have enough to pull that off. Stupid hair.
Best Thor ever.
Coolest thing at Gen Con? Chris Hussey's thumb. It's true.

I will have all my Gen Con pics loaded to Flickr soon.