dar_covThe good folks at Atomic Overmind recently tidied up a few items in Ken Hite’s Savage Worlds setting, The Day After Ragnarok. In addition to the corrections, they’ve also included some new  Ken Hite character concept material.  It’s available via free download.

But that’s not all!

On Wednesday, Atomic Overmind announced it’s first supplement for the setting, Tehran: Nest of Spies…

In the wake of the Serpentfall, Persia lies balanced between the desperate British Empire and the malevolent Soviet Union. Both powers have toyed with Persia in the past; both would gladly swallow it whole in the present. Their machinations reach a fever pitch in Persia’s historic capital…

I am terribly excited to see Ken Hite and Atomic Overmind continuing on with material for Day After Ragnarok.  It is such a rich playground with so many opportunities for fantastic games it would be a crime (punishable by ritualistic sacrifice to the nether gods) to not continue its development.

Tehran: Nest of Spies will be released in late September.
