What the hell ever happened to the Highlander video game?
What the hell ever happened to the Highlander video game?

The director/producer team of Justin Lin and Neal H. Moritz, who most recently worked together on Fast & Furious, look to be reteaming for a remake of Highlander! Iron Man screenwriters Art Marcum and Matt Holloway. Peter Davis, long time producer of Highlander, will also produce the film.

I’m pretty excited about this prospect.  Though some people aren’t big on the Fast and Furious films, Lin is a talented director, and Moritz has a lot of cool projects coming up, including Flash Gordon and The Green Hornet.

We recently spoke about the Highlander franchise’s need for a reboot on an episode of Funnybooks with Aron and Paulie (listen here!).  Maybe it’s time for Highlander to be good again!