This news will make a lot of our readers very happy.

Announced officially at the Diamond Retailers Summit (and talked about previously in our interview with writer/creator/artist Dave Petersen), Archaia’s Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard is a four-issue anthology mini-series coming from Archaia in which creators handpicked by Petersen are given a chance to explore the world of Mouse Guard.

legend of the guard

The four-issue mini will debut in Spring of 2010, and allow Petersen to begin work and get ahead of deadlines for The Black Axe, the prequel to the current Mouse Guard continuity (you really should know all this already from our awesome interview). Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard will alternately ship with issues of the main six-issue The Black Axe.  While not all stories in Legends will be canon, they will surely all kick butt.

You know what this sounds like to me?  A reason to do MICE WITH WEAPONS WEEK II!