Reign of Ironclaw 6: Your City is Doomed!

…This is it, Citizens!  It’s the final face off between the honorable powers of the United Tribe and their loyal, Nazi allies against the stinking, traitorous Aquaiians and the terrorist organization of Shadow Override.  We’d love to hear from you! We’re busily preparing for the Season 3 Feedback Show.  So, give us a call and […]

Reign of Ironclaw 5: The Matching Point

As answers are finally achieved, the stakes are revealed while a storm boils on the horizon… We’d love to hear from you! Give us a call and share your comments, questions, and suggestions. If we use your voicemail in the show, you’ll win an Ideology of Madness SurPrize! GM’s note: Knights of Reignsborough: Reign of […]

Reign of Ironclaw 3: Don’t Drink the Water!

With a terrorist in custody, the Ironclaws cast their net to capture the remnants of the cell. We’d love to hear from you! Give us a call and share your comments, questions, and suggestions. If we use your voicemail in the show, you’ll win an Ideology of Madness SurPrize! GM’s note: Knights of Reignsborough: Reign […]

Knights of Reignsborough: Season 3 Sandboxing, Part 2

Continuing our sandboxing for Season 3 we explore more about our changed characters in this new world… We’d love to hear from you! Give us a call at and share your comments, questions, and suggestions. If we use your voicemail in the show, you’ll win an Ideology of Madness SurPrize! GM’s note: Knights of Reignsborough: […]