Chattin' with Batwoman writer Greg Rucka

I’ve been talking and tweeting about Greg Rucka’s planned visit to Dallas’ Eisner Award winning Zeus Comics for a couple of weeks.  Saturday was the big day. Rucka signed books and chatted with fans all day.  He’s a good natured guy, eager to talk about funny books and all manner of geekery.  In fact, he […]

Battle for the Cowl: Red Robin #2

You know, looking at some of the preview art from Red Robin #2, I’m beginning to wonder if Red Robin is, in fact, Tim Drake.  See, Tim Drake is supposed to be, what?  Fifteen?  Seventeen?  The character of Red Robin appears to be much older than that.  Of course, that could just be the art, […]

Battle for the Cowl: Catch-Up

So, Battle for the Cowl #2 comes out this week, furthering the storyline of the Arkham breakout, the group of supervillains led by Black Mask, and, most importantly, the fight for who’ll become the next Batman.  As you can tell from the picture at right, last month’s picture of Dick Grayson as Batman was just […]

Battle for the Cowl: Dustin Nguyen kicks @$$

Do you know what the Battle for the Cowl is missing?  More Dustin Nguyen art. I mean, look at the piece to your right.  Isn’t it bee-yew-tee-ful?  I think so. Anywho, you can find that and tons more awesome art at his official blog, which was recently updated with some freakin’ excellent news! our Heart […]

Battle for the Cowl: Week 2!

F*ck me with a batarang, a lot happened in Battle for the Cowl #1. Battle for the Cowl #1 is totally worth the price of admission, if only because SO much happens – I’ll give my full review after the SPOILER filled summary, after the jump!

Battle for the Cowl: Seriously?

Is DC just not trying anymore?  Between this and the Blackest Night ad they released, it seems like they really aren’t trying to keep things under wraps anymore.  Guess we know who Batman will be. Or is it just a way to throw us off?  I mean, Nightwing is on the cover for issue #1.  […]

The Crap You Should Buy This Week: 3/8/09-3/14/09

Trying to figure out how to spend your hard-earned cash this week? You know you wait with baited breath for your Tuesday Best Buy visit and your Wednesday comic shop visit! Well, here’s a list of the good stuff coming out this week – don’t waste your money on anything else! Well…instead of seeing Watchmen […]