Battle for the Batwedding!
Dan Scott returns to Spider-Man Iron Man/Hellcat Annual The Variants #1 Battle of the Super Sons Batman/Catwoman #12 Action Comics #1044 DC vs. Vampires: Killers #1
Dan Scott returns to Spider-Man Iron Man/Hellcat Annual The Variants #1 Battle of the Super Sons Batman/Catwoman #12 Action Comics #1044 DC vs. Vampires: Killers #1
Paul’s here for some reason. DCU lives! DCEU dead? Superman #3 Supergirl #22 (and Sterling Gates) Batman #54 Fantastic Four #2 Champions #24
How we spent Thanksgiving Fatman on Batman Star Wars rumors X-Men: Days of Future Past casting Jonathan Hickman bringing back Marvel’s New Universe Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre #4 Amazing Spider-Man #698 New Avengers #34 Indestructible Hulk #1 FF #1 Captain America #1 Journey Into Mystery #646 Thor: God of Thunder #2 All New X-Men #2 […]
Wayne got his Scarlet Spider hoodie Paul’s irresponsible use of press credentials Rob Liefeld quits the new 52 (and Ed Brubaker leaves Marvel) Justice League Dark #12 Before Watchmen: Dr. Manhattan Rocketeer: Cargo of Doom #1 Amazing Spider-Man #692 Free Image Comics You can join the countdown to the return of Paul’s Mom Jokes… or […]