Ragey Red Paul: Sick of Mark Millar

I’m going to put something here that you need to read.  From CBR, in reference to the recent announcement that Tony Scott is directing a film adaptation of his Nemesis miniseries. Mark Millar tells Empire Magazine that he wants the biggest names possible for the film. “The thing is, one guy has to be as […]

Ragey Red Paul's Favorite SDCC Announcements

So many amazing announcements came out of this year’s San Diego Comic Con, it made my head spin.  While I have to admit that most of the biggest movie announcements came out right before, there were still a ton of great comic-related announcements.  I listed my favorite ones below! The Avengers.  Even though we knew […]

Ragey Red Paul: Supporting Geek Culture

Last night, I attended a midnight release party for the final volume of the Scott Pilgrim series, Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour at Local Heroes Comics in Norfolk, Virginia.  When I told people that I’d be attending (non-geek people), I got a bunch of odd stares and blinking.  They just couldn’t understand. “So it’s a midnight […]

Ragey Red Paul: Enough is Enough Update!

So in the last couple of days we’ve seen some more large Batman-title related announcements. Pete Tomasi and Patrick Gleason on Batman and Robin Tony Daniel as writer/artist on Batman JT Krul and Nikola Scott on Teen Titans (with Damian Wayne joining the team) Scott Snyder and an undecided artist on Detective Comics A couple […]

Ragey Red Paul: Enough is Enough

At what point is enough enough? DC announced yesterday via its Source Blog that, starting this November, a new ongoing Batman title written and drawn by David Finch, titled Batman: The Dark Knight, will be starting.  And I just have to wonder…with Batman and Detective Comics, presumably, still running, and possibly Batman and Robin, Batman: […]