Saints of Reignsborough

Yes, Funnybooks Fans…there is a Santa Claus. And this year, tied up in a nice pretty bow, is our first ever, officially official Reignsborough Christmas Special, Saints of Reignsborough! In Saints of Reignsborough, we flashback years before the Knights united to save the city, to a time where a young Catholic priest, Dominic Argento, struggles between […]

IoM Actual Play: Squires of Reignsborough!

It’s all led up to this! The Rogues of Reignsborough have Escaped from Dauger Island… The Ghosts of Reignsborough have rampaged across the city… …And now The Squires of Reignsborough are on the scene. Can the city’s youngest heroes save the day? Join Partisan Boy, Kid Ricochet, Adept, Golden Girl and Monkey Boy as they […]