That lovable dude Danny DeVito (I love that guy!) has recently started up a new project devoted to his love for our beloved horror genre – a website for short horror films – THE BLOOD FACTORY!
Including a ton of great talent, and tons of bloody goodness (the site is definitely NSFW), this looks to be a dark, scary ride for fans of the genre. In fact, here’s their manifesto:
“At The Blood Factory, the predators are our heroes, and we love them because of their vile natures and evil ways. But our love doesn’t end there. We extend it to you, our fans: we vow to feed your ravenous addiction to horror movies with heaping plates of blood and guts, drizzled with adrenalin-pumped sweat from slaughtered human prey. And for dessert, we may even carve up a corpse or two. So, friends, welcome to The Blood Factory!
Welcome to the killings!
Curious? Sure you are! Check out more information on THE BLOOD FACTORY, and their first couple of films, at the official site and watch a video from Danny DeVito here!