The sequel to Tron, Tron Legacy, comes out in 2011. The preview is awfully sweet. Gotta admit, I’m giddy about the prospect of another Tron film and, of course, terrified that it might suck.
I have chosen to believe that it will be wonderful, living up to the wonder and awe of the original.
I love the name of the film. It is strangely appropriate as Tron has a significant, personal legacy in my life.
You see, Tron was the first movie I ever took my Dad to go see.
The year was 1982. I was 14 years old.
There are a number of key events that stand out in my time with Dad. A handful of them include:
- My architect Dad laying on the floor with me building massive forts out of my building blocks;
- My father teaching me how to sail, calling me his “little sailor;”
- Turning to find him standing, glowering behind me when I’d snuck out of the house one night to venture down to the pier after midnight – I was 9;
- Teaching me how to draw space ships;
- Seeing him standing there in the theater hall when I graduated from college.
- The first (and only) time he let me buy him a beer; and
- Taking him to go see Tron.
I remember being concerned that Dad wouldn’t like the movie.
What if he hates it? I wanted to do something nice for him… it’d suck if he didn’t have a good time.
He loved it.
His eyes were wide, soaking up the CG goodness.
“That was exhausting!” He declared while the credits rolled. He loved the light cycles. Who doesn’t?
We went to dinner after. Burgers. He paid. Our conversation was all about how wildly cool our Tron experience had been. Rare, the opportunity to talk to my father about things in which we were both interested.
He grooved to the movie so much that we went and saw it again the following day.
When I watch Tron, I think of Dad warmed by these cozy memories of shared wonder.
Tron Legacy has a lot to live up to.
No pressure.