In a recent episode of Funnybooks with Aron and Paulie (listen here), I talked at length about how much I absolutely LOVED Darness/Pitt #1 from Top Cow/Image Comics. The art is spectacularly beautiful, and the story is fun and scary, with some great character moments that, even if you don’t know the characters, you’ll enjoy.
Well, it’s sold out at the publisher apparently. So what the hell do you do? If you’ve got an iPhone, you read this bad boy for FREE! Don’t have an iPhone? You can still read it online at Comixology (where we do our weekly pull list)…for FREE! That’s right! Eff are ee ee FREE! Check out the press release below and go download Darkness/Pitt #1 for FREE TODAY!!!
Sold Out Debut Issue Available at No Cost Through Comics by comiXology Application
LOS ANGELES, Calif., September 8th, 2009 – Top Cow Productions, Inc. proudly announced today that the first issue of The Darkness/Pitt, which has sold out at the distributor level, would be made available for free on comiXology’s Comic store/library/reader application for the iPhone beginning this Wednesday, September 9th. The issue will also be available in its entirety on comiXology.com.
Paul Jenkins (Captain America: Theater of War) and Pitt creator Dale Keown (Berserker) have reunited for the first time since their much-lauded run on The Darkness in 2002 in The Darkness/Pitt. The series also marks the first Pitt series in a decade and creator Keown’s return to the character he is best known for. In the three issue limited series, Jackie Estacado, mafia hitman and current bearer of The Darkness, encounters an alien infection which turns normal people into monstrous zombie like beings. Meanwhile, Pitt, an alien/human hybrid warrior, and his teen half-brother Tim arrive in New York tracking down this same problem. The highly anticipated crossover series has been over five years in the making and was held back from release by Top Cow Productions until all principal work on the series had been completed.
“We’re thrilled to be a part of Top Cow’s strategy to get more exposure for The Darkness/Pitt. The long-awaited return of Pitt deserves great exposure to a wide audience, and our patent-pending Guided View really shines with the material,” explained comiXology President David Steinberger, “Many thousands of people now have the opportunity to read the first issue and use Comics by comiXology’s unique in-app connection to retailers to pre-order the next issue.”
“Top Cow has been talking with comiXology for some time about an opportunity to explore their terrific iPhone app and introduce some Top Cow properties to the world of mobile comics and this seemed like the perfect opportunity,” added Top Cow Publisher Filip Sablik, “Not only do we put our best foot forward, but hopefully we can drive some additional sales to direct market retailers for issue #2 and #3.”
The Darkness/Pitt #2 is scheduled to be in stores on September 23rd and readers will be able to contact their local comic shop through the Comics by comiXology application. Customers can pre-order issue #2 with the following Diamond order codes:
JUL090443 DARKNESS PITT #2 (OF 3) HUTOMO CVR BComics by comiXology can be found at http://itunes.com/apps/Comics