I came home yesterday from work to find a nice big envelope waiting for me. I picked it up and looked at it oddly – I hadn’t ordered anything. I felt around the package a little bit – there was a DVD in it. A DVD from Full Moon Features? Could it be? I tore open the envelope and looked inside…

Hell to the yes! I’ve been looking forward to this movie ever since it was announced, and knew, the second I had it in my grubby little hands, there was no way I was going through this weekend without seeing it! So I popped the flick in my DVD player, kicked my feet up, and got myself ready for Charles Band’s newest film…SKULL HEADS!
Review after the jump!
So what’s Skull Heads about? Well, despite what you may think, it’s not really like another Puppet Master/Demonic Toys, but more like the movie Dangerous Worry Dolls, where the dolls/creatures don’t really kill people throughout the film and kind of drive the story, but moreso that they are an element to the story, which focuses on weird people doing weird things. In Skull Heads, the story focuses on a hermit family – they don’t venture out of their castle, and they don’t like interaction with the outside world. The film starts with the father strapping his daughter (the yummy Robin Sydney) to a torture room table to punish her for having a cell phone.
See, this damn kid wants to communicate with the outside world – to go to college, to meet new people. So when a Hollywood crew comes to the castle, looking to use it as a set for their upcoming film, she is all about it. Much to the chagrin of her parents … and the protectors of the family, the Skull Heads!
Until the last ten minutes of the film, the Skull Heads of the film’s title are merely set dressing. They pop in and out to look creepy and don’t really do anything, per se. The focus of the film really is on this creepy family and their interactions with the Hollywood folks who come to town. While I have to admit that I was looking forward to having more skull head-y action, the film really isn’t half bad. It’s definitely creepy, and emphasizes character and story over gore. In fact, there’s very little violence to speak of in the film. Save for some Robin Sydney nudity (always welcome) and a little bit o’ blood at the end, I’d venture to say that, really, the film could have probably been PG-13.
The film is low budget, but does a ton with what it has. The skull head characters are incredibly cool looking (I want one!), and the castle that the film takes place in is pretty spectacular. While the film is relatively short (most Full Moon films recently are relatively short), it moves at a brisk pace and, really, one of the few negative things I have to say about it is that I wished that the end would have resolved a little bit more. The ending is really rather sudden and, when the credits started rolling, my wife and I looked at each other and said “that’s it?” It’s VERY sudden. An extra couple of minutes for denouement would have definitely helped, I think.
Still, overall, the film is definitely worth checking out for fans of low budget films and of course, fans of the awesomocity that is Charles Band and Full Moon Pictures!
Want to learn more about Skull Heads? Check out Fangoria’s awesome set visit story here!
And buy Skull Heads by clicking here!