As I mentioned recently, Deadpool and Dark Wolverine writer Daniel Way attended a free signing as A COMIC SHOP in Winter Park, Florida, and I was lucky enough to spend some time with him, chatting about his Marvel work, and even getting a pretty HUGE news tidbit that I’ve yet to see anywhere else.
The interview, as well as the announcement of a pretty sweet contest, will be coming soon to Funnybooks, so keep listening for those. I also snapped some pictures of the event, which you can see below. Click any of them to enlarge! That’s Way in the middle picture (A Comic Shop has more pictures at their Facebook page)
Also mentioned is that apparently the owners of A COMIC SHOP are planning on turning their back room (where we conducted the interview) into a comic book themed bar. I cannot tell you how long I’ve wanted to open a comic-themed bar of my own, and I think it’s a pretty awesome idea. You can be guaranteed that next time I’m in the area, I’ll be checking it out!