The X-Men are about to face their deadliest threat…Vampire A Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse! No, that’s not right…but they are about to start a brand new ongoing series, an adjectiveless X-Men #1, written by Vampire A Go-Go and Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse novelist Victor Gischler! Not only that, the premiere of the series kicks off a huge Marvel event known as the Curse of the Mutants, which will see the X-Men team up with Blade and others to take down the growing vampire menace in the Marvel U. And it all starts with this week’s release of The Death of Dracula, also written by Gischler.
We sat down recently to talk to Victor Gischler about Deadpool Corps, the ending of Deadpool: Merc With A Mouth, the new X-Men series, vampires, and his growing collection of awesome novels, ranging from post-apocalyptic horror to hard-boiled crime.