One of the many pleasures of comic book podcasting is that you get to talk to amazingly talented people… and sometimes you get to talk to amazingly talented people who you’ve idolized for decades. Such is the case with this week’s interview.
With a career in comics spanning 40 years, Jim Starlin was responsible for re-imagining such characters as Captain Marvel and Adam Warlock for Marvel… and then killed them.
He’s the fellow who gave us Thanos (who loves Death) and over at DC, he killed off Jason Todd in the now infamous A DEATH IN THE FAMILY.
Sensing a theme?
Currently, Jim Starlin is producing the third volume of his creator owned BREED over at Image Comics. It’s a horror story centering on the activities of Ray Stoner who is half-demon, half-man. Monstrous hijinks ensue.
Of course, Starlin was a pioneer in the realm of creator-owned content.
Starlin debuted his Vanth Dreadstar character in the serialized Metamorphosis Odyssey appearing in the pages of Marvel’s Epic Illustrated. Beyond that initial serialized story, Dreadstar moved onto his own original graphic novel followed by a monthly under Marvel’s Epic banner followed by a series at First Comics and then a mini-series at Malibu.
And I ain’t the only one sporting a chubby for Big Jim. Oh no, Paul has a deep and abiding love for all things Thanos and the Infinity gems.
Brother Starlin teases a little news in this episode about Dreadstar… and Thanos and a certain movie project.
Join our unabashed geek love fest as we adore Jim Starlin.