Continuing our conversation with this week’s IoM Artist Showcase illustrator Cal Slayton… Today, we focus on the artist/client experience.
Ideology of Madness: When someone is seeking commission work from you, how best can a client engage you to get you jazzed?
Cal Slayton: Well, I’m always excited to get a new commission. Having someone not only like my work, but be willing to spend their hard-earned money on it is a blessing. I love the e-mail subject line: “Commission”. I will never tire of that. But I do get extra pumped when I get to draw a character I’ve never done before. I love being able to get the chance to put my own spin on a character for the first time. How would I approach them, what tweaks would I do to the costume? I have a special place in my heart for artists that can take a completely oddball character or character with a goofy costume and make them look cool. Bruce Timm is one of those guys. He can draw any character and make me want to read a whole series about them. As long as he draws it.
IoM: If you’re drawing just for you, what’s the subject?
Cal Slayton: Man, it’s been so long since I’ve had time to just draw for me. If I don’t have a commission or a sketch card set to work on, I generally try to draw something that I can make into a print. Try to make productive use of rare free time. But if I’m just doodling on a note pad, it tends to be hard-boiled guys, old school tough guy types and dames (as those men called them).
… Come back tomorrow through Friday for more of our conversation with Cal Slayton and more of his artwork.