In preparation for the Season 2 two-part season finale, we are REPLAYing issues one through three of the season with all new intros!
It’s been a week since the assault on Reignsborough’s Ringers Arena and two weeks since Partisan died. Questions remain unanswered. Who killed Partisan? Who was genetically engineering monsters and for what purpose and where’d they go? And where is suspected terrorist Hair Trigger?
We’d love to hear from you! Give us a call at 972-763-5903 and share your comments, questions, and suggestions. If we use your voicemail in the show, you’ll win an Ideology of Madness SurPrize!
GM’s note: Knights of Reignsborough is a role playing game actual play podcast. It is not our intent to teach a system, rather to entertain. As such, much of the game mechanic discussion has been edited from the audio.
Come back next week for more Knights of Reignsborough and mark your calendars for the stunning two-part finale. Part One arrives May 23rd and Part two hits one week later.