Thanos: The Infnity Revelation is here, and Paul and Aron are excited! In this episode, the boys chat about Guardians of the Galaxy, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and all sorts of new comics, including a new books from Image and Zenescope!
- Thanos: The Infinity Revelation (and Thanos Annual #1)
- Legendary Star-Lord #2 and Rocket Raccoon #2
- Superior Spider-Man #32
- Ultimate Spider-Man #4
- Moon Knight #6
- New Avengers #22
- Earth 2 #26
- Nightworld #1
- Imperial #1
- Alex+Ada #1
- Grimm Fairy Tales #101
Paul chat at length about the great stuff that Tidewater Comicon has been doing in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. If you live near there, check them out!
Don’t forget! Funnybooks is sponsoring the Orc Stomp 5k taking place this year at GenCon! Sign up and get your run on! All profit will be going to the Ronald McDonald House of Indiana, so support this great cause!
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