Green Lantern New Guardians #40
Story Justin Jordan
Pencils Didgenes Neves & Roge Antonio
Inks Marc Deering & Daniel Henriques & Antonio
Colors Wil Quintana
Published by DC Comics
Kyle and the gang are in battle against Oblivion. Kyle believes the only way to win is to sacrifice himself. The Guardians, Saint Walker and Carol try to talk him out of it. Then he realizes that no one person can control the white light. With the Guardians help, Kyle splits the power and creates white rings. Can the new White Lanterns put an end to Oblivion?
I’m not telling, you need to read this for yourself! What a great end to a fantastic series.
Or a great beginning to a new one whichever way you look at it. I highly recommend this even if have not been following the series.
Final Score
Story 5 out of 5
Art 5 out of 5
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