youvegotjackbannerFrom here on out in E3 coverage, there’s not any really major conferences to talk about, so I’ll mostly be just grab-bagging and posting tidbits that I come across during the day.

Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark: Grimlock makes his debut!  While the redesign of the fan favourite Dino-bots has been a topic of major discussion, the fact that Grimlock will continue in video game form is good news to me.

Super Smash Bros.: Now with more Pac Man! Wakkawakkawakka

The Assembly: nDreams CEO Patrick O’Luanaigh announced this game as the first to use Project Morpheus for a VR experience with the PlayStation 4.

“The Assembly is a mysterious VR adventure game that we have designed for VR from day one,” he says. “The Assembly includes lots of the gameplay mechanics that we found worked well in VR. For example, you get to control two different characters at various points, and in VR, you really notice details like their different heights, sounds and voices. Rather than playing as a silent character, we found that playing the role of characters in the story works really well, and helps make The Assembly feel quite different to most other VR projects.”

Destiny: Another Gameplay Trailer! I’ll openly admit I’ve already got this title on pre-order and it looks more and more awesome each time they show it off.