Source: End of Show

Eliza Dushku stars in Dollhouse
Eliza Dushku stars in Dollhouse

Surprising even us, Fox has renewed Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse for a second season, set to start in the Fall of this year.  While I’m still a couple of episodes behind (at this point, I decided just to wait for the Blu-Ray edition of season one), the show does manage to get better with each episode.  Still, it was hard to like at first, and I can imagine that a decent amount of viewers decided not to stick with it until it got better.  Fox is giving it a second chance though, so I’m curious to see where season two goes.  Apparently, there will be a shift in “creative direction,” so…changes are in store.

In other TV news, the excellence that is CW’s Reaper appears to be over, surprising no one.  One of the series stars, Tyler Labine, has been cast in Sons of Tucson, which has officially been picked up by Fox.  I’m really going to miss Reaper, it really was one of the best shows on TV.  The actors all worked well together, the writing was smart and funny – I’m curious to see where the last two episodes go.  Apparently, “ABC Studios and the various affiliates are looking to keep the series alive without The CW.  Failing this there is talk of Reaper returning on cable next season.”  Still, I have my doubts about that happening.  There’s always talk like that when a beloved show goes off the air before its time!

And Chuck still hasn’t been officially renewed by NBC.  Yet Heroes has….come on NBC!  Give us more CHUCK!!!!!