(NOTE: To give everyone a chance to enter, this will be at the top of the site for a couple of days. For the most current news, scroll down! New posts added all the time!)
Maybe the review didn’t scare you off, or perhaps you just want to see for yourself what the fuss is all about? Good news! We here at Ideology of Madness are offering you the opportunity to win a bundle of Final Crisis books!
One lucky contest winner will receive Final Crisis issues 1-7, Final Crisis: Requiem, Final Crisis: Secret Files, Final Crisis: Revelations 1-5, and Superman Beyond issues 1 & 2. All books have been previously read, but are in jim dandy condition (I’m trying to coin a grading term, there)! But what do you care? These are free funny books, yo!
All you gotta do is make a comment on this blog entry, enter your email address (will not be published), and tell us which is the coolest Superman in the multiverse.
One entry per person, please.
Winner will be chosen at random.
Comics will only be shipped within the continental United States.
Contest ends Friday, February 6th at 5:00 pm Central time.