I think zombies should be a prerequisite for all music videos.
Richard Raaphorst, friend of IoM and ultra talented writer/director of the upcoming Army of Frankenstein, just let us know that his newest project, a music video for the band Elle Bandita called “Barbies & Zombies,” is now available on his official site! We spoke with Richard about this project when we spoke to him back in April. Let me tell you, it’s odd as hell, but this music video kicks all kinds of @$$! I dig that the zombies are more like mannequins than actual zombies. Check out Richard’s official site and keep it here on IoM for more on this up and coming talented director!
While you’re there, check out the videos for cancelled project “Worst Case Scenario,” which feature, amongst other things, Nazi zombies riding in hot air balloons! It doesn’t get better than this!