UPDATE: Cyberforce/Hunter-Killer #1 is in stores TODAY! Pick it up from Heroes and Villains Comics in Hampton, VA, or at your favorite local comics shop!
I’m a big fan of the Top Cow Comics universe. I’ve been following their books for a while now, and they seem to really know what they’re doing. With Ron Marz/Stephan Sejic on Witchblade and Phil Hester/Michael Broussard on The Darkness, they’re probably producing two of the best titles in the market today. To make things even better, they’ve committed to a $2.99 price point for all of 2009, so you don’t have to break the bank to get into their books.
Something even better, though, is their “Let Us Win You Over” Initiative. Every month, a select group of comic stores is given the chance to hand out a free comic from Top Cow. And not just an old comic, either – previous month’s have included the newest installments of Witchblade, The Darkness, and their newest title, Berzerker. This month, the big title is the first issue of Top Cow’s big summer crossover, Cyberforce./Hunter-Killer #1, by Mark Waid (do you really need to be told what he’s written) and Kenneth Rocafort (awesome!).
If you live in Hampton, VA, you can get this awesome free comic book at Heroes and Villains Comics. Here’s where you can find ’em:
Heroes and Villains
1152 Big Bethel Rd
Hampton, VA 23666
Don’t live in Hampton? Get the full list of where you can get this comic for FREE here!