Nike + Fuelband

Happy New Year! With the start of a new year, large numbers of people people make resolutions to lose weight or to get fit. This is admirable sentiment and one which I fully support. I personally have made this resolution many times throughout my life and have only been able to accomplish it in the past year […]

Comics on the iPad

There has been a lot of talk, a lot of hype ever since the iPad was announced. How it would be a revolution, a game changer. OK, you have your shiny new “magical” device, you’ve played with all the preloaded apps, surfed the web, watched a movie, experienced a sense of childlike wonder, blah blah. […]

Let's talk about comics and the iPad…

So the big news, all over the web today is about Apple’s tablet product, now officially called the iPad.   Of course there are all sorts of detractors already, and all sorts of people ready to jump on the bandwagon for the product.  There are all sorts of articles online that talk about the positives and […]

Thumb (drive) gazing

My mind is on my thumb drive. Not that I’m thinking about it, but that I’m thinking about. At least, my creative mind.  Everything I’ve written and drawn in the past couple of years is contained on this ridiculously tiny little device (it would only make me sad if I mentioned how little space that […]

Why iDespise Apple

It isn’t just the smug, self-satisfied, near-cultish, outsider mentality that they foster for themselves and their fans. It isn’t that this outsider mentality is based on almost totally false pretenses. After all, the iPhone is the best selling phone in history. And when most people think of MP3 players, they think of iPods. In fact, […]