Spandex and Capes #33

And so we’re back… from outer space… well, maybe not space, but you know what I’m talking about.  Big things happening this week from Daredevil to Rebirth, the comic world was rocking over the last two weeks.  So let’s get started on this week’s February 27th, 2016 “You know it’s all about the bass, ‘bout […]

Doctor Spektor: Master of the Occult No 1

This week Dynamite comics has a new comic from writer, Mark Waid and artist, Neil Edwards. I am a big fan of what Waid and the others are doing over at Thrillbent which made me extremely happy to get a hold of this title a little bit early. The premise for the book is simple yet […]

The Shadow: Midnight In Moscow No 1

Dynamite has a full slate of comics that will hit the shelves on new comic day tomorrow. I’ve already talked about Pathfinder: City of Secrets no 1. You can read my thoughts here. Another book that they have hitting the shelves that interested me was The Shadow: Midnight in Moscow No 1. I loved the movie […]

Funnybooks with Aron and Paulie: Killing Robin… Again!

Shinku Contest Overpriced comic shops Grant Morrison and the Death of Robin Batman, Inc. #8 Aquaman #17 Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1 Justice League of America: Vibe #1 Young Avengers #2 Journey Into Mystery #649 Bionic Woman #8 Artifacts #25 Five Weapons #1 Uncanny Skullkickers #1 Adam Warrock will appear this Friday, March 8th, at […]