Spandex and Capes #14

Change is coming, my loyal readers.  I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and I’ve decided that my format will be changing in the near future – I just need to get all of my ducks in a row.  Don’t worry too much about it – I’ll still be news and reviews, it will be […]

Doctor Spektor: Master of the Occult No 1

This week Dynamite comics has a new comic from writer, Mark Waid and artist, Neil Edwards. I am a big fan of what Waid and the others are doing over at Thrillbent which made me extremely happy to get a hold of this title a little bit early. The premise for the book is simple yet […]

Funnybooks with Aron and Paulie: Mark Waid Appreciation Show!

Comixology Submit Speaking of digital comics, Mark Waid vs. Larry’s Comics Batman Live Gail Simone back on Batgirl Death of the Family Red Hood and the Outlaws #15 Nightwing #15 All-New X-Men #4 Thor: God of Thunder #3 Journey Into Mystery #647 Indestructible Hulk #2 Thunderbolts #2 Daredevil #21 Insufferable #1-3 Best Game Ever appears […]

Funnybooks with Aron and Paulie: Teeth, Testicles and Monkeys

We hope you enjoyed your Memorial Day holiday.  To celebrate, we’ve provided a special, giant-sized Funnybooks this week complete with healthcare horror stories! Dentist follow-up Aron’s story to tell Tim’s application fail Batman Incorporated #1 Batman: The Dark Knight #9 Aquaman #9 Flash #9 6th Planet #1 Justice League Dark #9 Amazing Spider-Man #686 Astonishing […]