Editor’s Note: This is the first of our Fear The Con 4 coverage. FTC4 kicks off tonight with World Wide Wing Night and continues through Saturday night. Check back often as the Ideology of Madness crew update the feed with pics, commentary and after game reports. Now, enjoy episode 2 of Funnybooks Unlimited!
Paul’s afraid. See, the upcoming FEAR THE CON is going to be one of his first times gaming, and he’s afraid of not only being eaten alive by more experienced gamers, but of ruining their gaming experiences with his lack of knowledge. Tim gives Paul advice on being a first-time gamer going to a gaming convention, in his usual Tim way.
Then, Paul discusses his children’s book series, The Siblings Scarington, and solicits advice from listeners on self-publishing ideas, then complains about the unreliability of some freelancers. Anybody looking to break into writing should give this episode a listen!
- First time gaming at Con, in which Tim offers up sage wisdom
- Getting published, or self-publishing, in which Paul tries not to drop the F-bomb when talking about children’s books
- Ragey Red Rant, in which freelancers take your money and don’t understand English
FBU is a monthly special where your Funnybooks hosts talk about anything but comics! Let Tim and Paul make sweet, sweet love to your eardrums!