Ideology of Madness is on Facebook!

Hey IoM Fans! That’s right!  We’re on FACEBOOK!  We’ll be posting our quick thoughts on geeky news and the stuff that wouldn’t warrant a full article, but is plenty for a post.  Look for our pics for favorite covers each week, news on your favorite shows, and some exclusive FB goodies! Check us out here!

IoM This Week!

Listened to this morning’s awesome new episode of KNIGHTS OF REIGNSBOROUGH yet?  That’s not the only podcast we’ve released this week! Monday we dropped our newest episode of FUNNYBOOKS, where, in addition to the best new comic books, we talk about Smallville, Marvel’s new “Point One” Initiative, paying too much for crappy comic books, and […]

Paul takes over the interwebs!

Much like the monsters in the video game Rampage, I’m climbing up the internet and destroying it one punch at a time, until it comes toppling down like a stack of pixeled smoke and destruction.  First, I defiled Ideology of Madness, then moved on to Funnybooks with Aron and Paulie…and now…. …I’ve done a guest […]

Announcing… The IoM Forum!

Click the button to the left and descend into madness… the Ideology of Madness discussion forum, that is! A number of you have commented that you’d like a discussion board to carry on the conversations from our articles and podcast. We heard you! And ignored you for a time, but you were persistent… nagging, clawing […]

Does this re-design make us look fat?

UPDATE: Due to technical difficulties surrounding “Comments” on the new design, I’ve re-verted back to our original format. If you missed it, sorry! Guess it’s true what they say … if it ain’t broke…! Hey everybody, Paul here. As Aron can tell you, I love our usual site design, but I’m pretty anal about things, […]

Technical Difficulties: Please Stand By

Due to technical difficulties beyond our control, part 3 of  IoM’s exclusive interview with Pimp of the Internet Tony Mast will not be seen today. Part 3 will be available tomorrow.  In the interim, please enjoy parts one, two, and a kitty. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.  The parties responsible […]

No Unifying Theme Week!

Aron and I decided that, after Mice with Weapons Week, Free Comic Book Day Week, and Star Trek Week, that it was about time to have No Unifying Theme Week! We’re getting back to normal here at IoM, bringing you the latest reviews, news, and thoughts on all the things worth geeking about – comics, […]