Avengers Endgame Toy Hunt | Movie Spoilers!
Warning – this video may spoil some big scenes from AVENGERS ENDGAME! We check out Target to see the new line of Avengers Endgame action figures, and LEGO!
Funnybooks Discusses Captain Marvel and Doomsday Clock #9!
This week, the boy’s chat about the #1 movie in the world that’s breaking all kinds of records, Captain Marvel! Also, the shocking Doomsday Clock #9 from DC Comics.
Spandex and Capes
Welcome back, folks. Lots of stuff going on – some good books, some bad books, and in a stunner a returning book – because I just can’t keep my mouth shut. But first, on to the news, here at: August 28th, 2016 Civil War II Extra Issue: I’m getting vibes of Secret Wars here. It […]
Spandex and Capes
So I hope everyone enjoyed Comic Con this year. I enjoyed it flat on my back and unconscious – which is why this is a week late. So we have three weeks to cover, so let’s get started here at:
Spandex and Capes #24
Welcome, faithful readers – or to the people who randomly found, welcome for the first. We’re doing some clean up this on things we missed over the NYCC plus some news that came in the days that followed. Then we’ll get to the reviews, where many books come to an end and others simply get […]
Spandex and Capes #13
Welcome, my friends to this week’s news and reviews. San Diego news is starting to come out and the Solicitations for September are here revealing some surprises from the the big two. So sit back and grab a drink as we check out this week’s Spandex and Capes. Review List June 14th, 2015 “Did you […]
Spandex and Capes #6
And we’re back – though to be honest, not a lot of good books came out this week – a large amount of them were just… meh. On the bright side, we got a lot of cool news this week and a look and what’s coming in July. Then Marvel made news with Ice-Man and […]