Spandex and Capes #26
Welcome, welcome. It’s the day after Halloween and I am getting over the candy rush. I hope you all had a good Halloween and enjoyed your extra hour of sleep. Good week in comics, though not much in the way of earth shattering news. So on, readers! To this week’s: November 1st, 2015 “It’s just […]
Spandex and Capes #14
Change is coming, my loyal readers. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and I’ve decided that my format will be changing in the near future – I just need to get all of my ducks in a row. Don’t worry too much about it – I’ll still be news and reviews, it will be […]
Second Ant-Man Trailer Released!
The new Ant-Man trailer has arrived and it’s worlds better than the original teaser. Take a look below!
Spandex and Capes #01
Editor’s Note: This post will remain at the top of the site through Tuesday – scroll down for the latest news! Onwards to Secret Wars and Congervence! While Marvel continues to release a deluge of titles for Secret Wars (up to 42!), DC lets us know what its plans are in June. Plus new costumes, […]